November 2017 Newsletter

November 2017 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: As a teenager, I thought that I was above reciting the phrase “It is right to give Him thanks and praise.” Why I thought, doesn’t God know that I am the one responsible for my success and good fortune. Doesn’t He know who I am? How silly,…

October 2017 Newsletter

October 2017 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: We all know the adage, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Perhaps you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover would be a better quote. This adage can be applied to many things but most importantly it should be applied to people. It is so…

September 2017 Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: One thing I enjoy about traveling is attending Mass at other parishes. The different people, Priests, customs, music all wrapped up in the familiarity of the Catholic Mass. This past weekend I attended Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows in Farmington, MI. As luck would have it…

August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: As I was grocery shopping the other day there was a young mother with her four children including a newborn. As expected she was juggling trying to keep them under control and quiet while filling her cart with groceries . Although my own children are 15 and…

July 2017 Newsletter

July 2017 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: In the June issue of Columbia I was reminded of an important fact. A study released in 2000 that found the strongest predictor of a child’s future church attendance is based on the father’s regular attendance to mass during the child’s formative years. The study found that…

June 2017 Newsletter

The Knightly News – Council 11091 From the Grand Knight’s Desk: The perfect time to start something never arrives…… I cannot fathom that it is June already and my time as your leader is rapidly coming to a close. It has been a year filled with many activities, wonderful causes and great fellowship for our…

May 2017 Newsletter

The Knightly News – Council 11091 From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Or as I have learned in the world today, you must be comfortable being very uncomfortable. April of 2017 is a month of my life, my family’s life, our Council’s life and our Parish community…

April 2017 Newsletter

The Knightly News – Council 11091 From the Grand Knight’s Desk: There are three ways to change the world: With your words… With your deeds… Or with your prayer. I like to think that as good Catholics we should always work on all three ways.  This Lenten season please remember to pray for those in…

March 2017 Newsletter

The Knightly News – Council 11091 From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Faith makes all things possible, not easy. 2017-03 Knightly News I am writing this from a nondescript hotel room in Green Bay, Wisconsin and I have had a heck of a busy month, traveling and trying to succeed in today’s world of commerce.   Not…

February 2017 Newsletter

The Knightly News – Council 11091 From the Grand Knight’s Desk: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” ~ Acts 20:35 Worthy Knights and friends, It’s hard to believe its February already.  Time flies…. Before I tell you about January activities and February’s schedule, I would like to talk about 2016 accomplishments. I…