October 2017 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
We all know the adage, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Perhaps you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover would be a better quote. This adage can be applied to many things but most importantly it should be applied to people. It is so easy for us to make a snap judgement of someone when we really have no information. Maybe this is a way for us to deflect our own issues by convincing ourselves others are in some way inferior to us. It can be thinking why is that person not kneeling at Mass. Why is that family not wearing nice clothes for a Baptism? Why is that kid not participating in Holy Communion? We judge so quickly. Perhaps she has acute back pain and just making Mass takes all her strength. That family is unemployed and those are their best clothes. He has a disease that does not allow him to consume the Host. The next time you judge someone, say a prayer for forgiveness and that those with hidden issues have the strength to continue and receive God’s continued help and blessings.
September was another busy month for our council. Starting with the parish Summerfest. Although I understand attendance was not what was hoped for, the Knights once again stepped up. Thank you to Dave Frendreiss and his team for running the event. Dave tried some new things in hopes of driving more business but perhaps we will need a new direction next year. Either way his efforts are much appreciated.
We also held our annual Hammer Open. Over $9000 was raised for four local charities. Thank you to Tom Walker and Scott Nejman for chairing and for all the golfers, volunteers and sponsors.
We continued to feed people with the Founder’s Days Flood Relief event. Once again Ken Prigge took the reins and the council stepped up to set up, operate and teardown in a much-compressed timeline. Everyone there got more than a full year’s dose of heavy metal music, but it was great to help the community and be together as a council.
Once again, we put on our yellow vests to collect money and give away Tootsie Rolls. Thank you again to John Frazier for taking the lead. This is a great event that not only allows us to donate to a worthy cause, but also gets the Knights and their families into the community to show what we are all about: Charity.
Lastly was the annual men’s retreat. I am very sad to have missed this year’s trip as I hear it was once again a great event. They even picked up three hitchhikers riding their bicycles all the way from Algonquin. Thank you to Stu Kuczcynski and hitchhiker Ken Prigge for doing the legwork and making sure everyone was well fed.
On Sunday, November 5 at 4:30 we will have our annual deceased brothers Mass. This is a wonderful and moving event and I encourage you and your family to attend and then stay for dinner afterward. Please see Chris Burns if you have any questions or would like to help with Mass or dinner.
Once again, I will end my article reminding you that recruitment is the responsibility of all of us. To date we have only added one new Knight, we need 22 more to achieve Star Council. Please reach out and invite a Catholic gentleman to join our council. Our next degree is October 1 at St. Margaret Mary School.
See you at Mass. God Bless.
Vivat Jesus
Christopher Hubbuch