KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Worthy Brothers 2024-7 Knightly News
I am awed, excited, and a bit overwhelmed as I take on the role of your Grand Knight. The SMM KofC council truly is an amazing council packed with hardworking, dedicated and faithful men. As Mike and I witnessed at the state convention in May, this council is clearly one of the top councils in the state.
As I start the year as your Grand Knight, I want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day. I hope you had a chance to spend ample time with your families. As a member of the Knights of Columbus, you are setting a grand example for all members of your families on how to lead a faithful life and give back to your community.
This past month saw a new slate of officers sworn in to lead council. Consider this my personal welcome to all of the new officers. Thank You for stepping up and being leaders of this council. I as well as the council need your help and leadership to make this a successful year.
As Deacon Fischer wrote in his Father’s Day reflection, Jesus issues all of us an invitation to live the way of the farmer, who views the ground not only as dirt but as the matrix of all hope. For the ground, coupled with the farmer’s own purpose-ful activity, is the medium of a harvest through God’s holy desire to bring forth life. The seed sleeps in the dark soil, dying to its original being to emerge as something greater than itself.
The SMM Knights of Columbus Council epitomizes the ‘purposeful activity’ God calls us all to do to produce an abundant crop for the Kingdom.
In June the parish held a celebration in McDonnell Hall for the 30th anniversary of Father ZB’s ordination. A big thanks to all of the Knights who helped out at the celebration. Father ZB loves to see the Knights involved in parish events.
June also saw the council hold a successful blood drive, lead an outdoor rosary at the grotto, lead rosaries after several masses, built nativity sets, and host a Feed My Starving Children outing.
Brother Deacon Jim McDonough will be moving to Minnesota in July. His last mass at SMM will be on July 14. Deacon Jim’s dedicated service to the parish will be celebrated in Bethany Lobby after the 9:00am and 11:00am masses on July 14. I am designating the 9:00am mass on July 14 as a ‘Knights Mass.’ I encourage all SMM Knights to attend the 9:00am mass on July 14 to show our support and gratitude to Brother Jim.
Brother Steve Wilson recently lost his battle with cancer. Steve’s funeral will be Saturday July 13 at SMM with a luncheon following. Greg sent out the details. All brother Knights are invited. Please try to attend the funeral and luncheon in support of Steve’s family.
July will be a busy month as we cap off the month with Founder’s Day on July 26 – July 28. We need many volunteers to make this year’s event a success. Please plan to spend a few hours volunteering at the Knights food stand.
I recently came across this quote by Allen Hunt…. “Joy is what Jesus intends for you. It is his goal that joy will be a vital part of your life. Hear His words;” ‘I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.’ (John 15:11) I find this to be a great reminder to bring joy to all of your activities and endeavors.
As we close out Independence Day celebrations, it is fitting to recall that Patriotism is a key principle of the Knights. Faith and Patriotism go hand in hand for members of the Knights of Columbus.
Happy Independence Day!
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight
Jerry Gard