KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Brothers, 2024-5 Knightly News
April has come and gone, we’ve all paid our taxes (ouch) and say the lack luster (in my opinion) solar eclipse and of course we celebrated our council’s 31st anniversary. My DGK Jerry and his wife Dee did a fantastic job and we had a few of our brothers walk away with some awards.
Knight of the Year: Keith Einecker
Family of the Year: Mark and Amy Ostrowski
Past Grand Knight Award: Dave Frendreiss
May has finally arrived, weather is getting warmer, summer is right around the corner. Our Bread and Wine Event will be this Saturday May 4th and May 17th-19th, DGK Jerry Gard and I will be off to the state convention. Not much is going on for this month, as I said last month, if you have an idea for an event, let us know.
May is also the month of Mary, not only a special time for the church but also for us Knights.
Our Lady, Queen of the Knights, bless all the activities of our Order. Keep us true to our pledge, to extend the kingship of thy divine son on earth. Through Thine intercession, win for us the grace, ever to exemplify in our public and private lives, the virtues that should characterize those especially dedicated to the service of the heavenly court. Make us always aware that as your Knights, we are constantly observed, our faith judged, and our Order appreciated. Accept, O Mary, this renewed pledge of fealty and devotion, of Thy Servants, the Knights of Columbus.
Mary Queen of the Knights, Pray for Us