KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Worthy Brothers, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all of you and your families. 2024-12 Knightly News
The Knights busy season is in full swing. We just completed the very successful Adopt-A-Sailor event on Thanksgiving Day with 30 sailors in attendance. This event truly does make an impact on these sailors. It was great how the entire parish community supported the event.
The Christmas Tree lot is up and running. The lot has been short staffed and more help is needed. Please consider putting in a couple of shifts at the lot especially weekend afternoons.
A big Thank You to all who helped set up the community Nativity sets. Be on the loookout for them around town. If you see damage or lights out, feel free to attempt repairs. If you cannot do the repairs please let Kevin Fitzgerald or Ken Prigge know.
I hope to see everyone at the Knights Christmas Party on Saturday, December 14. This is a fun event with games, food and drinks. It is a great opportunity for our families to spend time together. Breakfast with Santa is the next morning, Sunday December 15. It’s always fun to see the kids come and visit Santa.
As Deacon Howard stated in the bulletin, the season of Advent is about the journey. The journey itself is the destination! Advent begins with Jesus’ instructions to wait, keep watch, prepare and be alert.
Please see the Council’s calendar for more event information: Council 11091 Calendar
Merry Christmas to All!!!
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight
Jerry Gard