July 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, If you would have asked me in December of 2016 that I would be the Grand Knight of this awesome council, I would have smiled and laughed. A lot has changed since December of 2016, we survived a pandemic, put some new doors on…

May 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, The 2nd quarter of the calendar year (or last quarter of the fraternal year) are usually somewhat quiet for us when compared to the Lenten and the Christmas seasons but that’s just because you guys do so much during those othertimes. You still have…

April 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, As the Easter season ends, it’s gratifying to me to know that our council had a great season even during a pandemic. As we rounded the corner of the new year 3 months ago, I worried about our most vulnerable getting through this time…

March 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, The Bishop changed the CV guidance in late January and you guys stepped up your game another notch in February. We did in-person general and officer meetings, an in–person degree with all 3 priests moving up to the 3rd degree and 3 new Knights added…

February 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, A new month brings new promise for the world as we know it. Bishop Malloy announced the return to Tier 1 mitigations last week. While this is not a declaration that the masks can now come off and everything shall return to normal, it…

January 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, I think everyone is happy to toss out the 2020 calendar and move on to a brand-new year. We all wish that the terrible virus would go away with the change in the date. If it were only that simple… 2021 does bring new…

December 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Brothers, As we enter the Advent season culminating with the Birth of our Lord, it is interesting to see how we Knights have gotten busier than in previous months during the pandemic. We held a ceremony for our deceased brothers at the beginning of November. We had some brothers join…

November 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Brothers, “We live a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns,” said Colonel Jessup in the movie “A Few Good Men”. While this is a fictional movie, there is nothing fictional about the need for a strong military and for a nation…

October 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, I got to meet with our new pastor and council Chaplain (pending Bishop Malloy’s approval of our requested change), Father Witold, concerning the parish and the Knights last week. He is looking forward to his role in the council and wants to a good…

September 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers, I reported to you last month that the diocese has mandated that we do not hold food events like the tailgate parties that we had been doing. Father Peter called them to confirm the specifics and unfortunately that is the case. So, we are…