KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
As I sit here, and reflect on the last month, I am truly blessed. I am surrounded by some of the best people in the world, and have God, and his Son on our side!
It appears that the pandemic will continue to be a part of our lives for a little while longer, and I hope and pray that all of you are well. I recently watched a webinar on the new Delta Church drive, which has nothing to do with the delta variant of Covid. The Delta church drive is another means of recruiting new members at church, using the help of our Pastor, and possibly the Grand Knight/Membership Director, to address the congregation briefly about the Knights. The drive uses prayer cards, sample pulpit announcements, and a new online form for e-membership. In the coming weeks I will meet with Father Witold, and Rick Limbach, and the degree team, to see if we can possibly implement this new program to drum up a few more new members.
As for our existing members, thank you for all that you do! We had a successful blood drive on the 22nd of August, thanks to Marv Basch. We had a great time golfing at the Hammer Open, thanks to Kevin Fitzgerald. How can I not thank Ken Prigge for organizing another painting party at the school, you are truly a blessing to this council. I would like to also thank Kevin Wright for doing the football mania cards again, they are a lot of fun, and a great way to raise money to donate it to the needy!
In closing, I would also like to thank Paul Evans for stepping up as the ID drive chair, along with all of the other duties
that he does for this council. I know I have not listed everyone that helps this council do great things in the name of the Lord, if I did, my Knightly news article would be a million pages long!
Thank you and God Bless
David Campbell