KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
A new month brings new promise for the world as we know it. Bishop Malloy announced the return to Tier 1 mitigations last week. While this is not a declaration that the masks can now come off and everything shall return to normal, it is a small step in the right direction. The distributions of the vaccines are starting to pick up steam and hopefully will reach all our most vulnerable soon. The Tier 1 mitigations do loosen up the restrictions on what we Knights do quite a bit. We will be doing in-person general and officer meetings, in-person degree with all 3 priests moving up to the 3rd degree and another Deacon joining the order, a blood drive, a council level free throw event, and takeout meals all this month given the new guidelines.
This month also brings us the beginning of Lent and the Easter season. It’s a time to rededicate ourselves to our Faith and remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. Ash Wednesday is the 17th with Easter Sunday on April 4th.
We need to continue to support our vulnerable neighbors get through this lonely winter. Our 2 social meetings the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of January were entertaining, and it was great to see Sergio and Bernie attend. I have not heard from them in a while. I would like to see more Knights get on and enjoy each other’s company.
PGK and Ultra-Knight© Ken Prigge and his new team of CNC operators have gotten training from the CNC expert PGK Ed Henning with maybe more sessions to follow. Watch for calls to work on the project soon. They will be cutting out new designs and the existing nativity designs soon to build up an inventory this winter.
Ken and PGK Chris Hubbuch have an ambitious plan for Lenten takeout meals starting on the Friday the 26th. They plan to do takeout meals 5 weeks in a row with 4 fish fries and a corn beef meal in the middle of them. Without having to accommodate hungry diners inside of McDonnell Hall makes this possible. I applaud them going all in on this. They continue to impress me with their dedication and their desire to continue raising the bar. You will be hearing more about this in the next couple of weeks, as they will need support from many of us to accomplish this.
PGK and Magnet Chair Dan Limbach has gotten contacted by some Knights about where they can help. If you were thinking about helping, contact Dan right away to get the most interesting jobs on the team.
By the time the newsletter is published, we will have had our first outdoor rosary in front of the Grotto behind the McGivney building. May the Lord hear our prayers that the suffering of this pandemic may end soon.
We also will have our regular rosary on Sunday the 7th after the 7:00am mass. There is a 4th degree exemplification on the Saturday the 20th.
I’d like to offer an apology for the length of the January meeting. I got ambitious with the agenda inviting many of you to provide extended updates on your events because I am excited and proud of you and the great things that you do. While I was happy with the updates on what we do, we could be more concise about it. I think that I went a little long in my GK report as well while I was trying to share my vision for how we’d get through this winter and how we could do the most good. I think that I set a wrong tone for the meeting though. I intend to shorten up my report and will try to keep all of you in check. We all need to make sure that we do not repeat anything that already been covered and leave information to be shared by the Knight who is supposed to deliver it. We have been pretty good in finishing our meetings close to the 9:00pm goal until January’s long one. I need everyone to help with this. If the meetings are long drags, attendance will slip, and we will start wondering where our brother Knights have been. Short, concise, and positive meetings make for a happier council.
Lastly, click here to pay your dues – https://kofc11091.square.site/
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Frendreiss
GK Council 11091