October 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights – As James wrote when speaking of acts in his letter to the Christian community: What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? If James had been able to see our council in action…

September 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights – It is the Best of Times, it is the Worst of Times. My apologies to Charles Dickens, but the events of this past month bring my updated version of this opening line to mind. Lori and I had the pleasure of dining…

August 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights – It’s that time of year; school’s out, the weather is warm, and we have the urge to travel. We pack suitcases with everything that we need, and then some. Usually one bag is not enough, and it’s like a game of Tetris…

July 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Past Grand Knight’s Desk: 2018-07 Knightly News As I looked through the photos from this year’s State Kamporee it reminded me that at last year’s event I was installed as Grand Knight and wrote my first newsletter article. How quickly the time has passed. So much has happened…

June 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Perhaps you have seen the notice in the church bulletin or heard the presentation by Rick and Peggy Orabutt about the traveling chalice program. If not, then, in short, it is a chalice that you can sign up to take home for a week to…

May 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: What a very exciting and busy April we have had with our council. This 25th Anniversary year has truly been special and it is amazing as I look at the original charter to see how far we have grown, how many new members, how much…

April 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: As a teenager, our church was unique. It was a large glass octagon with chairs instead of pews and the altar would be moved depending on the requirements of the season. For Easter, the church was filled with flowers, bushes, rocks and even a flowing…

March 2018 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: As we enter another Lenten season we are asked to do many things to prepare ourselves for Easter. One of these things is to give up meat on Fridays. For some this is a hassle and non-Catholics don’t understand this strange custom and even have…

January 2018 Newsletter

January 2018 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: I think one of the best things for me this Christmas season was seeing the kids at the tree lot with Santa Claus. They were so happy, carefree and excited. They just could not wait to talk to Santa and then see what he would bring them…

December 2017 Newsletter

December 2017 Newsletter  From the Grand Knight’s Desk: This month we held our annual Deceased Brothers Mass. This is a special event that brings us together to focus based on why the Knights were founded by Father McGivney. Leading up to the mass I overheard a conversation between a Knight and someone that really made…