KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights – It’s that time of year; school’s out, the weather is warm, and we have the urge to travel. We pack suitcases with everything that we need, and then some. Usually one bag is not enough, and it’s like a game of Tetris getting the bags to fit in the back of the car. It is our nature that we want to take everything that we need, to be prepared.
In the readings a few weeks ago, Jesus sent his disciples in pairs of two out on their first evangelization mission, with instructions to take nothing for the journey; no food, no sack, no money in their belts. Imagine walking into a town that was unfamiliar to you, approaching people that you did not know, and having to convince them to provide a stranger with food and lodging, receiving only the counseling of repentance in return. Talk about a hard sell. But Jesus sent the disciples out in this manner, full of optimism that they would succeed in their mission of adding followers to the faith. With this attitude they were able to perform signs and cure the sick. A pessimistic attitude on their part would have resulted in predetermined failure.
I admit that when I approach other men in the parish to evangelize them into becoming a Knight, I find it hard to be as optimistic as the disciples needed to be. I think that for most of us, that is also in our nature. Let us utilize the inspiration from the disciples to gain the confidence and optimism to approach others with an invitation to share in the great deeds that we perform as Knights. Speaking of great deeds, July is always our busiest month, and this year was no exception. Once again, our food booth offered the best options at Founders
Days, with several new tasty entrees. I hope that you were able to spend some time in our booth, experiencing the fraternity and unity that Founders Days offers. Perhaps you even had an opportunity to evangelize a bit, speaking with a potential candidate or drumming up support among your brother Knights for help with another event.
Also in July, our own council Michelangelo led a group in painting the school offices and teacher lounge. The fresh coats of paint made a marked improvement in the appearance of the rooms and will be a great way for staff to start off the new school year.
Looking ahead in August we have Adopt-A-Highway, Feed My Starving Children, the Hammer Open, Altar Server Appreciation, and the 35th Anniversary celebration of our church building. We also have a First Degree on the 16th. Be optimistic and ask someone to become a Knight. Or help to fulfill an event chairman’s optimism by volunteering at an event that you haven’t previously attended and ask a friend to join you. We have a Help Wanted section in this newsletter highlighting roles where we could really use some helping hands.
Finally, check out the revised list of our programs. Supreme’s new model for activities, “Faith in Action”, is designed to allow councils to concentrate on implementing faith-filled family programs. Our council does an admirable job in promoting family friendly events, what can we do to increase the aspect of faith? There is always room for improvement. Also check out our new HELP WANTED section!
Vivat Jesus! Dan Kotleba, Grand Knight