September 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Worthy Brothers, August is usually a quieter month. We had our basketball camp. Thank you, Nick Wake. There was also the back-to-school BBQ. Many hotdogs were served. All are looking forward to another school year. With any luck, there are recruiting opportunities from this. Of course, we had the usual…

July 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter 2022-07 Knightly News Worthy Brothers, As I begin my Grand Knight year, I have a poorly timed vacation. I apologize that I will not be able to attend the first meeting. I trust Dave F. will do a great repeat performance! We have some busy times coming up. Founders’ Days…

June 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Worthy Brothers, I think about my years with the Knights, the years to come, and particularly this next year. I thank you for entrusting me with the care of this council for the next year. I follow a line of amazing leaders. Living up to their legacy sort of makes…

April 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Happy Friday! Hope everyone’s Lenten journey is an enlightening one both spiritually and personally. The Fish Frys, Shamrock Shave, and breakfast with the Easter bunny are all happening now! It is truly awesome sitting back from time to time when I have a chance to see all the good works…

February 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Brothers, Good afternoon, I hope this letter finds everyone healthy, and happy! February is a busy month for us with our pasta dinner in a few weeks, along with fish fry planning, and everything else! The days are starting to get longer, nights getting shorter, before we know it Lent…

January 2022 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Even though Christmas is mostly in the history books, we all continue to receive gifts. Some gifts we notice, and some we may not. One gift that our council received this year was six new Knights! I could not be prouder of the efforts of our members, membership team, and…

December 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter It’s that time of year again, parties, snow storms, hustle and bustle, global logistic issues, and Advent. As hard as it may be to do, Advent, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ should be our focus. Sure buying a Christmas tree, and putting up a Nativity set are…

November 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Desk of the Grand Knight, As I sit back and relax, I am in awe of how God takes care of us. It seems everything happens for a reason, and most of the time we don’t even realize until after it has happened. All of us have one…

October 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter 2021-10 Knightly News Brother Knights! It’s an exciting time of year, football is starting, baseball playoffs are starting, hockey preseason has begun, and our children are back to school! All of these activities use up our free time, while we watch our favorite player on TV, or go to a…

September 2021 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter Brothers, As I sit here, and reflect on the last month, I am truly blessed. I am surrounded by some of the best people in the world, and have God, and his Son on our side! It appears that the pandemic will continue to be a part of our lives…