KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight
Worthy Brothers:
As I write this, we have just returned from the men’s weekend (retreat is a strong word). While it was not a strictly spiritual experience, it is a wonderful time to spend in fellowship with brother Knights. We connect more with those we know and get to know brothers that may have been previously acquaintances. Many of our brothers work countless hour at events and this is a great
opportunity to recharge. A beautiful byproduct of the weekend is the return home. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I would urge all to consider this trip in the future.
We have a strong council. Our participation lately has been light. Certain days of Founders could have used more help. Octoberfest had very light participation, to the point some were there for
twelve or more hours without a real break. This was above and beyond the call. I cannot put a finer point on it; we need everyone to participate in order to be a successful council.
That said, the Christmas tree lot is our next major event. We will need the help of all to make the event a success. If we cannot fill the shifts, we will not be able to remain open
on all days. I hope you can make the time to participate in one of our biggest events.
We are excited for the next couple of events too. The council has permission to take up to 40 sailors at Thanksgiving, although that number can greatly vary. December brings breakfast with Santa. Both events will need plenty of help. On a solemn note, the annual deceased brothers Mass is coming in November as well. Please participate in these worthy causes.
My previous comments on passion stand. We need the entire council to be passionate about our works. Bear in mind, with very few exceptions, Knights events are family events. All are welcome. Together we can maintain and further grow our council and good works. I look forward to the next few months and some great events. Please watch for emails regarding individual events.
Vivat Jesus
Kevin Fitzgerald