KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight
Worthy Brothers:
As you read this, the trick-or-treaters are down from the sugar and their parents have hid the candy to ration out at a reasonable pace. We now turn our attention to many joyous and a few solemn activities and events. All Souls day is upon us. We should all remember the loved ones that we have lost and the souls of all the departed. On Sunday, we specifically remember our brother Knights. I urge all of our brother knights to attend this ceremony.
On Thanksgiving, while we host the adopt-a-sailor event again. This is the first time since the military put a stop on it due to COVID. There are many opportunities to participate throughout the day. For most of these kids, this may be the first non-military contact that they have had since starting boot camp. Please watch for further information in emails.
Thanksgiving weekend is also when we set up nativity sets around town and on the campus. Many hands make light work. Consider coming out Saturday November 26 to help. We have donuts. Details will come out via email closer to the event.
This also marks the beginning of one of the biggest and most enjoyable events of the year. The tree lot is an extended with many slots to fill. We need everyone involved to be successful. Sign up, sell trees, buy a tree, have fun. There is great joy in selling the right tree to the right family and make sure you tie good knots. If all goes well, we will be open every day and sell out early.
Let’s not forget the Jolly one himself. The man in the suit will make appearances at both the Knights party and the breakfast the next day. I hope that you will all make an appearance as well. The party is a great celebration of being knights and a thank-you for all you do throughout the year. The breakfast is an event for the parish and also a great recruitment opportunity.
As I themed my Grand Knight year as passion. I hope to see the passion of all our members in the upcoming events. I have been a little down seeing the participation in some of the recent events. I pray to see the passion of this council renewed as we get into the joyous holidays to come. I look forward to seeing everyone at some or all of the upcoming
Vivat Jesus
Kevin Fitzgerald