February 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! Brothers, in our council, January and February are generally relaxed months. After the busy, rejoicing months of Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas, we’ve had time to catch our breath and gather ourselves. The beginning of February is time to take stock and prepare ourselves.…

January 2020 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! Happy New Year! Each year we take the time to greet the New Year with new hope. Perhaps we make a few Resolutions (which seldom survive until Easter – or maybe St Patrick’s Day)! Personally, I take the time for a deep breath,…

December 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! The Good Thief hung on the cross next to Christ and pled: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Jesus replied “Today you will be with me in Heaven.” I’ll bet there were lots of thieves in Jesus’ time. The Bible…

November 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! In the first Sunday Gospel for November, we learn of Zacchaeus. As a tax collector, he had made himself rich by stealing from the people, and lived lavishly in a big home, garbed in the fine robes. When Jesus came to his town,…

October 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! I’m reminded of an old, Irish, Clancy Brothers song where an Irishman, a bit maudlin and a bit in his cups, has a vision of his own funeral. “Look at the coffin / With Golden handles! / Isn’t it grand, boys / To…

September 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! Brothers, is it enough? Is it enough to say, “We are Knights of Columbus?” In the Gospel we hear of the people who come to hear Jesus speak. And they listen and nod and say “Amen!” and “You go, Jesus!” And then they…

August 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brother Knights! “Summer time, and the livin’ is easy…” Ahhh, that’s the dream. The cool drink on the porch swing, tending the roses and tomatoes, taking in a baseball game, the ol’ rope swing at the swimmin’ hole. Maybe we squeeze those things in amongst…

June 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers: Summer is finally here! We have much to be thankful for! Knights events were few in May, but one very important annual event was hosted by the Fourth Degree. Several of our brothers honored members of the Armed Services by placing American flags on…

May 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers: I pray that you had a Blessed Easter season. It was great to see the church filled with people giving praise to our risen savior on Easter Sunday. Alleluia, alleluia!! Another celebration that was held in April was our Council Anniversary Dinner. Chris and…

April 2019 Newsletter

KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter From the Grand Knight’s Desk: Brothers: With Holy Week just days away, let us focus on transitioning from 40 days of Lenten sacrifice to real, lasting changes in our hearts and lives. May our works of Charity help to guide us in this change. Adopt-a-Highway had a great show of…