The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
Who’s ready for a vacation? December was quite a month for our council. We sold more Christmas Trees than ever in our history. Kudos to Co-Chair Scott Nejman for finding a last-minute source for trees when we were getting low on inventory fairly early in the season. Big props to Co-Chair Rene Mendez for handling manpower for the lot and being a daily fixture. Jason Roggenbuck was also there just about every day. Additional thanks go to Cliff Sherwin, Ken Prigge, and Ed Henning for building yard nativity sets for sale, and Kevin Fitzgerald for managing the installation of the large community sets in our area.
Everyone had a great time at the Christmas Party and also our Breakfast with Santa. Many Knights stepped up big-time, including, but certainly not limited to Greg Freund, Ken Prigge, Chris Hubbuch, Mark DeBrovic, Bob Armstrong, Kevin Fitzgerald, Mark Ostrowski, and many others. We also had major contributions from family members, including Andrew Hubbuch, Sue Bongiovanni, Ingrid Prigge, and a host of others. I’m certain I left many out who deserved to be mentioned.
The “Become a Knight Before Christmas” event is always one of our best First Degree ceremonies. We brought in 4 new Knights to our council, and 11 in total to the Order.
In January, we are focusing on our newer members. If you joined the Order recently, you should have received information about a New Member Social on January 10. This is a great way for you and your sweetie to have a free night out, learn more about the Knights, ask questions, and see where you may put your talents to best use. We’ll even have teenagers ready to watch over and play with your kids. New members should have received details from Kevin Wright. We’ll also be looking for veterans to help host the event and socialize with our new members and their sweeties.
Following the New Member Social, we are starting a formal mentorship program, in order to better serve our new members so they can get the most possible from the Knights. Sometimes, a member joins our ranks, and falls through the cracks. They don’t come to meetings or volunteer for events. Perhaps, their proposer doesn’t keep in contact with them. Worst of all, we don’t benefit from their great ideas and special talents. We have to do a better job engaging these new members so they are active, productive members of the Knights. We have so much to offer, and they have so much to give in return. We should all help each other out, and make this brotherhood the backbone of the Knights of Columbus.
Most of you know our parish is celebrating our 100 year anniversary throughout 2015, in our Centennial Celebration. Every ministry has been asked to look at how they can contribute to many of the capital projects that will keep this amazing parish going for the next 100 years. It will take money and manpower to fulfill many of the immediate needs of the parish, regarding maintenance and improvements across our campus. At the January meeting, we will continue discussions started in the Officers’ Meeting about how the Knights of Columbus can contribute to this effort. We will have some concrete proposals ready for approval at the February meeting. Come out this Thursday and let’s hear your ideas on supporting our parish.
Finally, it is important we tend to our spiritual roots in addition to our efforts in charity, unity, and fraternity. With the Epiphany on January 6, our decorations should be coming down, and we begin Ordinary Time for the rest of January and much of February. This leads us into Lent, Easter, and Truduum, which are the most holy times in our liturgical calendar. To better prepare ourselves, we will be selecting a 1-hour segment on Wednesdays to attend Eucharistic Adoration as a ministry. This will continue throughout the rest of 2015. As our Pastor, Fr. Peter Sarnicki says, “While everyone who spends time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration will have a unique personal experience, it is one that will always strengthen our relationship with our loving Savior.” Stay tuned for more information about the Knights hour with the Lord.
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Limbach, Grand Knight, marginal football player