The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
Welcome to February. Our regional groundhog, Woodstock Willie, predicted 6 more weeks of winter, so gear up and be prepared for more cold and snow. Let’s hope the Polar Vortex has better manners this year, and doesn’t visit and stick around as long as last year.
Ash Wednesday is February 18, 46 days before Easter Sunday. Prepare yourselves for this most holy time. Here’s a nice article from Loyola Press on praying during lent. Main components:
1. Make your abstinence a prayer-in-action
2. Renew yourself through personal reflective prayer.
3. Pray the Stations of the Cross.
4. Meditate on Holy Scripture with Lectio Divina.
5. Reflect deeper on your liturgical prayer.
6. Join or start a prayer group.
7. Pray with children or as a family.
8. Start a practice of daily prayer that will last after Lent
As I mentioned a couple weeks ago in an email, we need Knights to attend Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday evenings. The most pressing slots are 1-2am, and 2-3am. Spend an hour with the Lord. You will certainly benefit from this investment of time. Contact Maribeth Wuensch at if you are able to commit to any time slots through the rest of the year, even if it is just once in a while.
I’m very excited about the new Mentoring Program we are implementing. Good mentors make for good members, who eventually become volunteers, committee members, chairmen, directors, and officers. We officially launched the program starting with a KC Academy training session in Marengo last Saturday. In the near future, all new Knights (also known as Columbians) will attend a new member orientation meeting, and will be assigned a mentor, who will help inform and engage each Columbian throughout their first year in the Knights. Soon, we’ll be looking for experienced Knights to volunteer to be part of our mentor pool. Tom McCabe, our Charter Grand Knight is the chairman, and will work closely with myself, Kevin Wright (Membership chairman), and the Admissions committee. I can think of nobody better suited for leading this new program. Thanks Tom!
The flag football finale on Super Bowl Sunday was a big hit, with a great turnout, including Knights of all shapes and sizes, as well as several energetic youngsters. There’s something about 6+ inches of snow cover and horizontal snow and wind that brings out the heartiness of Council 11091. Even though the side I played on got whipped, we all had a lot of fun battling the elements and each other. I think everyone agrees, changing the start time from 9am to 1pm was good for the game, as it allowed more people to gear up and head to the gridiron. Kudos to chairman Ed Henning (the younger), for another great trilogy of games.
I’d like to see what level of interest we have in a monthly Wallyball game. If you think 4-on-4 volleyball played in a racquetball court would be fun, you’re absolutely right. If you are interested in playing one Friday a month, let me know ( I’ll share more information when we have a court reserved. Friday, February 13th would be a good date, if not too ominous.
Have a safe and happy February. I hope to see you at our next meeting and/or at an upcoming event.
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Limbach, Grand Knight