The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
Worthy Brother Knights!
November is upon us, and we have many things to give thanks for! I hope that all of you are able to spend time with family, friends and brother Knights.
October Activites
October kept us busy with two important membership events. On October 3, our assembly, Arthur J O’Neill 2381, hosted a Fourth Degree Exemplification in which 10 members of Council 11091, out of about 80 total, became Sir Knights! The honoree for the exemplification was Bishop David J. Malloy. At mass following the ceremony, he spoke in very high regard for the Knights of Columbus and all that our organization does for the Church. On October 25th our council hosted a major (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) degree. We gained 3 new first degree members and 4 members of our council took their second and third degree. Please congratulate them, and continue to ask Catholic gentleman to join our order. I believe that joining this organization has positively impacted each of us and our families. Also in October, St. Margaret Parish celebrated its Centennial with a multi-lingual mass.
November Activites
November is shaping up to be a very busy month and I encourage all of you to become involved. First of all, we won an award from the Illinois State Council for having the most new members for the most recent quarter. To show their appreciation, the State Deputy and the State Membership Director will be grilling out for us immediately before the November 5th meeting. Please try to arrive early, starting around 6:30, to have dinner cooked by your state officers. Let’s show them why we are one of the best councils in the state. On November 8th we will have a blood drive in McDonnell Hall starting at 7 a.m. The Christmas Tree Lot setup will be November 21st. Be sure to sign up for some shifts to sell trees and spend time with your brothers. The mass to honor our deceased brothers will be November 22nd, and the setup of community nativity sets and church Christmas decorations will be November 28th. The third annual Adopt-A-Sailor will be Thanksgiving Day. This promises to be bigger and better than ever as we have invited 50 Navy Recruits. There are some other changes in store. Details of all of these events will be discussed at the meeting and elsewhere in this newsletter, but as you can tell, they all require a lot of helping hands from Knights and their families. It’s “All Hands on Deck” for the month of November.
Coming Up
Be sure to save the date for December 12th for the Knights Family Christmas Party, December 13th for Breakfast with Santa, and December 17th for our Become A Knight Before Christmas 1st Degree ceremony. More on these later.
I look forward to seeing you at the November 5th meeting. Remember to come early for dinner on the state officers!
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Perna, Grand Knight