KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Worthy Brothers, 2024-10 Knightly News
As I write this article, the council is the midst of the nine day ‘Novena for Life.’ The council is putting an extra focus on the ‘Novena for Life’ this year. The start of the Novena coincided with the start of the 40 Days for Life on Wednesday Sep 25 and will conclude at our council meeting on Thursday Oct 3. Thanks to Deacon Bob Armstrong for laying out the details of Novena schedule and thanks to Jerry Ahler and Rob Beyer for helping to lead the prayers.
The council was the lone food provider for the SMM School Octoberfest. The fest was a big success. Thanks to Ken Prigge for organizing the food stand and thanks to all of the volunteers that helped. The ID Drive was the same weekend as Octoberfest and Brother Paul Evans did a great job organizing the event. It was a big success as collections were 50% larger this year than last year.
The Council’s Fall Retreat is October 3 – October 7 in Long Lake Wisconsin. There are still slots available. Please plan to attend even if you can’t be there the entire time. Brother Knights Rick Orabutt and Roman Budek were ordained as Deacons in Rockford on September 28. The Knights hosting a celebration after the Rick and Roman celebrated their first masses as Deacons on September 29. Congratulations to Brother’s Rick and Roman.
The Clergy Appreciation Dinner is Oct 11 at St. Mary’s in Huntley. All are invited to attend and show our appreciation for our clergy.
The next Officer’s meeting is Thursday Oct 17. Everyone is welcome. The Knights are hosting the Outdoor Rosary Monday October 21 at 7:00pm at the Grotto.
Brother Jerry Ahler and new Financial Secretary Bob Dubiel will present the state of the council finances at the Knights meeting on November 7. Ideas for council philanthropy will be discussed at the meeting,
Please see the Council’s calendar for more event information: Council 11091 Calendar
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight
Jerry Gard