KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Worthy Brothers
It’s been quite the month: starting with Labor Day, moving to the memorial of 9/11, then on to Oktoberfest, and ending with a much needed break up north at the fall retreat.
Oktoberfest went very well and I would personally thank each and everyone of you that volunteered your time. The fest went off without a hitch, other than dodging the rain, but we’re still able to remain profitable. A side note to the fest was gaining a new member of our council, Matt Gornik; welcome to the council.
The fall retreat was epic as usual, being able to take a few days form our hectic lives for fellowship and brotherhood at a lake house, is a great way to recharge your batteries.
Now that we’ve had our rest, it’s time to get back at it. This month marks the month of the Holy Rosary…
Mary, Mother of God, with her Knights, for the sanctity of human life in all stages. Mary, heart of the Holy Family, with her Knights, for faithful marriages and joyful families. Mary, the Immaculate Conception, with her Knights, for decency and purity in our world. Mary to whom her Son would refuse nothing, with her Knights, for justice and compassion for the downtrodden and all those who suffer.
Grand Knight
Michael Kouvelis