The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
We’ve been a very busy council for the start of the fall season. Let’s go over some of the highlights. The ID Drive saw Knights all over town handing out Tootsie Rolls and collecting money for people with Intellectual Disabilities. It’s one of the anchor programs of the Knights of Columbus. Thanks to all who pitched in, and to Jason Bonnet and John Frazier for steping up as Co-Chairs. We also launched a new event – the Charity softball game between our council and the Algonquin/LITH fire department. We held our own and showed off some impressive skills, especially on defense. Next year will be bigger and better. Big thanks to Ray Mueller for coming up with this program and knocking it out of the park, Kevin Fitzgerald for coaching us, Jerry Ahler for securing a great field, and Chris Cimaglio for his amazing DJ and announcing skills. On the more spiritual side, we had many council members participate the Mens’ CRHP weekend, led by Larry Majewski and Mike Barrett. Finally, the Knights who attended the Mens’ Fall Retreat at Deer Lake (way up north) enjoyed maybe the best weather ever in the 9 years of the retreat. Big thanks to Stu Kuczinski and Ken Prigge for managing this amazing retreat. Consider joining us next year for an epic good time.
Whew, that’s a busy September, but we’re not slowing down in October. We have many opportunities to make a contribution this month. You can also come to the rosary service this Sunday at 7:30 am in the church, and the Monday Prayer Service for Brothers and Families in Need/distress at 7:30 pm in the Ministry Center. If you’re not attending the 4th Degree Exemplification (10/4), why not come out for the Walk for the Poor on the same day? Bring the family to Randall Oaks on October 11 for our annual Hay Ride/bonfire. Come to the Officers’ Meeting (6:30pm on 10/16) and bring a candidate to the First Degree ceremony at 7:30pm. We show support for our Clergy on 10/17 with the Clergy Appreciation Dinner. For some good fun and an adrenaline rush, come play paintball with your Brothers (10/18). All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the meeting of the 4th Degree (10/28). Finally, the Nativity Set crew is busy making, sorting, and packaging sets every Tuesday in October at 7:30pm in the McGivney building.
Please take some time to review our upcoming events and see where you can help. Nothing happens unless folks step up and participate. Our council is blessed with many people willing to dig in and get things done, but we can certainly use more people to take on leadership positions and work in the trenches.
During the past month, I’ve had several opportunities recently to reflect on my faith. It’s important that we make time for some introspection, and ask ourselves some basic questions. Am I living a life based on Christ’s teachings? Am I fulfilling my obligations as a Catholic man, father, and/or husband? Am I evangelizing my faith in my words and deeds? How can I become closer to Christ? Am I open to the Holy Spirit guiding me? Do I enrich my relationship with God through prayer, including praying the rosary? These reflections never fail to uncover areas I can personally improve upon. It’s easy to get intimidated when looking at others around us, comparing their commitment to their faith with mine. I look up to many men, women, and even young folks in our parish, and marvel at their rock-solid faith and their ability to give so much of themselves to the church. Guys, be the best Catholic Gentleman you can be and always seek to improve your deficiencies while enhancing your relationship with Christ. If we could all just do that, we will be serving God in ways we may have never expected.
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Limbach, Grand Knight