KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Tempus fugit. Memento Mori.
Which is Latin for ‘Time flies. Remember Death’
The Catholic Church identifies November as a month to pray for the faithful departed and contemplate the body of Christ and the life of the world to come. As such, our council just completed the Deceased Brother’s Mass on November 3 to remember those Brothers who have departed this life. Thank You to Brother’s Vic, Brendan, and Deacon Bob for coordinating this event. This mass is always very powerful reminder of the phrase ‘Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori’ with which all Knights are familiar and always reminds me to pause and contemplate the meaning of this phrase.
We Knights have a special model in Blessed Michael McGivney. His own life on earth was short (he died Aug. 14, 1890, at age 38), but he spent his time tirelessly practicing faith and charity. He saw the problems facing Catholics and the parish families in his day, and he acted, founding an Order that today is a blessing to millions around the globe.
With this as a backdrop, Brother Marcin Paprot, son of Brother Les Paprot recently passed away. Our prayers go out for Marcin and his family and friends.
Carmelite Father Wilfrid Stinissen (1927-2013) helps us put such experiences in perspective in his book Eternity in the Midst of Time. “If we look at man’s purpose and destiny, which is to be introduced into the life of the Trinity, then it is clear that time is a gift. Time gives us a chance to grow,” writes Father Stinissen, who later asks, “Is man only on a journey toward death … or is he on a journey toward life?”
The month of October saw the Council complete the nine-day ‘Novena for Life.’ The Novena was very successful, as Brother Knights gathered along with other parishioners every day for nine days to pray the Novena.
A big shout out to Brother’s Mike Kouvelis and Dan Limbach for coordinating a fantastic retreat at Long Lake in Wisconsin.
November and December are very busy months for the council. We have many events planned such as Breakfast with Santa, the Christmas Tree Lot, community Nativity set-up, and Adopt-A-Sailor. We need many volunteers to make these events successful.
The Knights are hosting the Outdoor Rosary Monday November 18 at 7:00pm at the Grotto.
The link to the Vocations raffle is below:
Recruiting new members will be a special focus for the Council in November and December. We will have our annual ‘Knight Before Christ-mas Degree on Thursday December 19. I am excited to announce that the newest member of the parish’s clergy will be joining the Knights at this degree. There are several other Catholic men that have committed to join the Council as well.
Please join me over the next few weeks to identify one Catholic gentleman who would make a good Knight.
Tell him about the Knights and why you joined and why you are active in the council.
Think about your story and why the Knights have been so good to you.
Remember to tell him that we have no minimum time commitment.
Tell him to remember that his family and his job come before the Knights.
Tell him if he can only help for part of an event, we will thank him for his time and commitment.
Our council effort is the sum of all of our work.
The next Officer’s meeting is Thursday Nov 21. Everyone is welcome.
Brother Jerry Ahler and new Financial Secretary Bob Dubiel will present the state of the council finances at the Knights meeting on December 5. Ideas for council philanthropy will be discussed at the meeting,
And lastly, don’t forget that the vocation’s raffle is active until November 21. Scan the QR code and buy your raffle tickets online, today! (Remember to enter Council 11091)
Please see the Council’s calendar for more event information: Council 11091 Calendar
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight
Jerry Gard