KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight:
Worthy Brothers:
We have just returned from the State Convention. As this is my second trip, this is an inspirational weekend. I had interesting conversations with visiting priests and brothers. This is all with a homily at Mass and keynote from Cardinal Cupich. I am also proud to say that our council waled away with a couple of awards with a chance at a few more before the Columbian year is over.
My tenure as Grand Knight is coming to a close. A new slate of officers will be presented at the May meeting. That said, I invite all of my brother knights, new and old, to consider a round in the chairs. I have spent time as treasurer, ten years as Financial Secretary and now finishing the Grand Knight year. Consider being a director or chairing an event as a first step. While all of the jobs, from flipping the burgers to running the council, come with responsibility, there is a tremendous amount of support from you brothers who have been there before. Please reach out to an officer to discuss the opportunities.
On a personal note, as May begins, I start to think about our council golf Outing, The Hammer Open. As I pull the team together, I would invite all who are interested to join me.
Some initial ideas:
-Updating the booklet
-Getting bigger, better, greater, awesome prizes
-Choosing on-course games
-Updating/creating sponsor signs for the course
-Anything else that makes the event better
-Working the event the day of the Hammer
Please contact me to volunteer. I will begin the planning meetings soon.
As the Columbian year draws on, recruit new Knights to the order, be active and participate in upcoming events. Let’s close the year strong and build on our successes.
Vivat Jesus,
GK Kevin Fitzgerald