The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
Matthew 28:19 -20
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
On the first Sunday of June, we celebrated the Ascension of our Lord. Jesus challenged his disciples to go out and spread His message. He gave them a guide on how to spread His message with the reassurance that His support will be with them always. We too are called to share His message with other people through our actions and words. We do not need to do this alone. Like the disciples, He has given us the Holy Spirit as an aide. Seek out the Holy Spirit through prayer so we may best exemplify His message of love for others in our good works of charity over the coming months.
Anniversary Dinner
I would like to thank all those that were in attendance at our anniversary dinner on May 10th. In particular, I would like to thank Dan and Christine Limbach for organizing the event. It was a great evening. It gave us all an opportunity to celebrate our achievements over the past year and honor those that have demonstrated exemplary efforts over the past year. Our honorees included Sal Bongiovanni for Knight of the Year, Ray Mueller family for Family of the Year, Rob Retzer for New Knight of the Year, and Sir Knight Terry Hoelting for a Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding service and dedication to our council. Again, congratulations to you all!
June Activities
I know in my house the excitement is building as the school year is ending and summer activities are being planned. Our council is no different. Many will be attending the State Kamporee from June 6th to June 8th. We will be providing our grilling services for the All Schools Picnic on Saturday June 7th. We all have an opportunity to welcome a new member into the order by bringing them to the First Degree on Thursday June 19th. Finally, information will be sent out about planning meetings for the upcoming Pig Roast, Founder’s Day Celebration, and much more.
June 15th – Father’s Day
In this month’s issue of Columbia, our Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop Lori, touches on the gift of fatherhood. Two quotes caught my attention. The first, “ the real joy of being a father lies more in giving than receiving” and the second “ a father has to be involved in all the activities of his family so as to bear witness to what is truly good in God’s eyes.”
One of the special traits of our council is a very high number of father-son teams that are members. As fathers, your lives have demonstrated the concepts that Archbishop Lori is expressing. Happy Father’s Day to you all!
Thank you again for all your charitable efforts over the past month. May God continue to bless you, your families, and the St. Margaret Mary community!
Vivat Jesus!
Mark Ostrowski, Grand Knight