KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Past Grand Knight’s Desk:
2018-07 Knightly News As I looked through the photos from this year’s State Kamporee it reminded me that at last year’s event I was installed as Grand Knight and wrote my first newsletter article. How quickly the time has passed. So much has happened over the last year. I took a new job and moved to Detroit only to then move back to Algonquin. I have a new high school graduate who heads off to college very soon. We added 14 new Knights to our council and lost some brothers who are now with God. The council held many events including a great pasta dinner, the most successful fish fry’s ever, breakfast with both the Easter Bunny and Santa, another Adopt A Sailor event, the magnet and Nativity set programs, an on again off again Founders Days and an awesome 25th Anniversary dinner. We also won a state program award for our Christmas Tree lot. We were able to raise many thousands of dollars which allowed us to donate to so many worthy and meaningful charities. We were also able to support our parish in its time of need with a gift of $50,000 towards a new roof for the church.
It has been an incredible year and I am so thankful to have been Grand Knight for such a vibrant and active council. My short time in Detroit where I spent time with two councils there really reinforced just how wonderful our council is and how many truly talented and giving Knights we have. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. I now step aside and hand the gavel to the very capable hands of Dan Kotleba.
Your Brother in Christ, Chris Hubbuch, PGK
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights – I am truly honored to have been elected as the next Grand Knight of Council 11091. Thank you for your faith in me to continue the line of leadership that our council has been blessed with. It is my pleasure to serve you, and God willing, I will do so to the best of my abilities.
I am sure that I speak for all members in giving thanks to PGK Chris Hubbuch for his steadfast dedication to our council, guidance thru stormy seas, and tireless service this past year. We held multiple events that were very successful this year and the council stepped up in a big way to help with improvements to our parish facilities under his guidance.
A recent Sunday gospel reading was the story of the tiny mustard seed that grows into a mighty plant with large branches. This parable always makes me think of our council, with its unassuming beginnings as a small group of men, that grew over the years to our current level, which is acknowledged as one of the best throughout the state. In our council each of us are those branches, supporting good works of charity, unity, and fraternity.
This year is starting off a little different in that we have many new officers and directors to welcome. My thanks to each of you that agreed to serve our council in these roles. As council members, please show these men your support throughout the year by being an active member, answering their call for event volunteers, and engaging them in your personal areas of interest.
There is one other change that begins with the new Colombian year, and that is Supreme Council’s new program model for K of C activities. The old model “Surge . . .with Service” is being replaced with “Faith in Action”. To find out more about this change, check the current edition of Columbia and plan to attend the July general council meeting.
Finally, one of our biggest events occurs in July and there are many opportunities for you to pitch in. Even when the weather doesn’t cooperate, we always shine as the best food venue at Founders Days. Even if you can only spare a short amount of time, any and all help is welcome and appreciated.
Vivat Jesus! Dan Kotelba, Grand Knight