December 2017 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
This month we held our annual Deceased Brothers Mass. This is a special event that brings us together to focus based on why the Knights were founded by Father McGivney. Leading up to the mass I overheard a conversation between a Knight and someone that really made me think. When the Knight asked if the someone would attend, the someone answered, “Why, I did not know any of the deceased.” The Knight’s response was that perhaps by attending his prayers could be the tipping point for a soul to go from purgatory to heaven. This statement really struck me. We remember those we have lost but are we Praying that their souls can enter Heaven? I think this is something we should all add to our daily prayers. Speaking of the Mass, thank you to Chris Burns for organizing along with Deacon Don. The Mass and the dinner after were very nice. If you did not make this year’s mass, please plan on attending next year.
This month we lost one of our council brothers, Casimir Hass. He has been called to our Lord. Please pray for his soul and his family.
Thank you to Ken Prigge and his merry band of painters for tackling the sacristy and painting over all the sins. I think Ken has now painted every room on the church grounds. I think it is time for him to paint some rooms for the Grand Knight.
An additional big thank you goes out to the magnet and nativity teams. Although busy all year they really kick into high gear in November and December. Building, packing, shipping and even sending Scott Nejman and Rick Orabutt to the big city of Indianapolis to work a tradeshow to sell magnets and t-shirts. Thank you for your efforts, not just for these important fundraisers but also for evangelizing this important message. Keep Christ in Christmas!
As we wrap up this calendar year I would once again like to ask for your help in recruiting. We have our last degree of the year on December 21, our Knight Before Christmas. I ask that you reach out and invite a Catholic gentleman to join and for you both to come to the degree.
Merry Christmas
Vivat Jesus
Christopher Hubbuch
PS …
Also, as most of you have probably heard, the church roof is failing and must be replaced. This is an unplanned expense and Father Peter has kicked off a fundraising campaign to pay the estimated $175,000 cost of replacement.
As a Knights council, we are called to support our parish and I believe this is a situation where they definitely could use our support. Our council maintains a rainy-day fund so we can cover unexpected financial events. I believe this is just such an event. We do have ample reserves and I would propose we use some of these funds to help offset the cost of a new roof.
I would like our council to provide up to $50,000 to the church by way of a matching donation. The church will use this gift as a Kickstarter to encourage donations from the parish.
We will officially propose and vote on this at our December council meeting where we invite discussion and additional ideas for raising funds.