January 2018 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
I think one of the best things for me this Christmas season was seeing the kids at the tree lot with Santa Claus. They were so happy, carefree and excited. They just could not wait to talk to Santa and then see what he would bring them on Christmas day. Perhaps we have outgrown that youthful wonder for Santa, but as adults we know that there is a much better gift waiting on Christmas morning, Jesus.
It is said by many that we need to “Keep Christ in Christmas” and focus on what truly matters. But even with the magnet on our cars it is too easy to get caught up in all the noise. I overheard a person complaining that they had so much to do that they might not be able to make it to Christmas Mass. How our priorities get twisted. So, this year don’t just display the magnet on your car, but live the message and truly Keep Christ in Christmas.
What a busy and successful December our council has had. We set the large Nativity sets around the community and decorated the Friary with lights. The tree lot was in full swing and we sold over 300 trees while also giving trees to those less fortunate. We had our Christmas party followed a few hours later by Breakfast with Santa. The breakfast was in support of the church roof fund and it was our most successful breakfast to date. That same weekend we held our pulpit talks to encourage our fellow parishioners to join us at our Knight Before Christmas degree. We added six new Knights to our council including Father Witold.
Lastly, I was very proud to be able to strike the gavel as our council voted to give $50,000 to support the Raise the Roof campaign. This was a great way to show how the Knights can step up and support our parish and Pastor when in need.
I am now half way into my term as Grand Knight and I am so proud of what this council does and accomplishes. It is truly amazing the gifts that we have and how so many of us step-up to do even more. Thank you and God Bless all of you.
2018 will be another big year for our council and we will begin with taking down the Nativity sets in the community, hosting a pasta dinner on January 13 and more. But before we get too busy with family, work and charity, let us reflect on the greatest gift we will receive this year, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Vivat Jesus
Christopher Hubbuch