The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Those of us who stayed local couldn’t have asked for better weather. The Easter season is not over. I’m hoping for a great turnout at the Knights of Columbus Easter Mass on April 19 at 9am. Wear some Knights clothing in a show of solidarity.
That’s not all that’s happening on April 19. A larger-than-average class of high school men with fathers in the Knights will be graduating this spring, and we are having a special First Degree ceremony featuring any sons who have graduated in the last few years. The ceremony will take place at 3pm, followed by a meal and fellowship with our families at 4pm. If you have a Senior or older son who would like to join the Knights, contact Tom McCabe soon.
Later this month, Dan Perna, Mark Halper, and I will be attending the IL State Convention. It’s a nice opportunity to hear what the State Officers are planning, as well as what other councils across the state are doing. We’re always proud to represent Council 11091 at the state level.
By now you should have received an invitation to our Anniversary Dinner on May 2 at the Golf Club of IL. We have much to celebrate, and this is always a highlight event for our council. We get dressed up and celebrate the past year’s accomplishments. We’ll enjoy lots of laughs, delicious food, well-deserved awards, and maybe even some karaoke.
There are other events coming up, but I’ll let you read about them in the newsletter.
If you have been contemplating taking on a bigger role in our council, now is the time to step up and volunteer to take on new responsibilities. Many of our officers will be moving up the chain of command, and other members will be asked to move into our officer lineup. We’ll publish the nominees in May and June, and vote at the June meeting. In late June, we’ll install the new slate of officers.
There are also many opportunities to become a co-chair or chairman for our numerous events. We are always looking for people who want to eventually take over running events, as we have some members who have been running the same events for years. Turnover is healthy for our council, as it identifies new leaders, expands our expertise across the membership, takes advantage of the skills and passions of our newer members, and allows our seasoned veterans to take on new challenges. We’ll also be looking for people to take on some of our Director positions.
Some members are only able to join a committee, which is great. We need motivated people to support our chairmen. You don’t have to be an event chairman, director, or officer to be a leader in the council. Start where you are most comfortable, and stretch yourself.
You never know what you can do until you try, and we’ll always help make the transition as smooth as possible. If you are interested in a leadership role, please let me or any officer know. You don’t even have to know which position you would be best suited for, as we can figure this out together. The most important thing is to get involved.
I don’t know about you, but my patio furniture has been out for a couple weeks, and I’ve already been giving the grill a decent workout. Mostly burgers, brats, and fish so far, but when the weather is a little more consistently warm, I’ll be experimenting with more low-and-slow recipes, including ribs, beer can chicken, and other delights. No bugs (yet). No humidity (yet). Does it get any better than working the grill on a pleasant afternoon relaxing in the fresh air and eating good food?
Have a safe and happy April. I hope to see you at our next meeting and our upcoming events.
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Limbach, Grand Knight, marginal football player