KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
As we enter another Lenten season we are asked to do many things to prepare ourselves for Easter. One of these things is to give up meat on Fridays. For some this is a hassle and non-Catholics don’t understand this strange custom and even have a bit of a chuckle at our expense. Personally, I really enjoy giving up meat on Fridays. This is not because I don’t eat meat, in fact it is just the opposite. It is because it makes me think about what I am doing and forces me to think about my Faith. This then leads to a reflection on what Lent stands for and ultimately the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and His resurrection on Easter. So, the next time you are trying to decide what to eat on a Friday in Lent, take time to reflect on what Lent truly stands for and prepare yourself for Easter.
Speaking of Fridays, we had our first fish fry of the season on February 16 and it was a great success. Once we got the fryers to stop spilling hot oil everywhere the fish began flying out of the kitchen and we served over 280 people. Thanks to the whole crew and its captain Ken Prigge. Special thanks to our new Knights who came to help including Paul and Sal.
Our other event last month was the comedy improv night. After a couple of years on hiatus it was brought back and again hosted by the Bongiovanni family. Starting with a nice pasta dinner from Sal’s the comedy began with the unique and creative improv from “The Green Room” improv troupe. We had a nice turnout and the night was enjoyed by everyone, even your Grand Knight who was dragged on stage. Thanks Dan.
March will be another very busy month. We have two more fish frys, March 9 and March 23 and we are cooking for the Shamrock Shave on March 17. Please come out to enjoy the food, sponsor a shavee, or be one and donate some of your time to help with the events. We need any and all skills and would love to have your families help as well. Also on March 25 is Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Once again in addition to a great breakfast we will have pictures with the Bunny using virtual backgrounds thanks to Mike Kouvalis and Adam Smith. With four major events in March there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to lend a hand and get involved.
Mark your calendars for our 25th Anniversary Dinner and Celebration on April 21 at Golf Club of Illinois. Details are in the newsletter or contact Dan Kotleba for more information or to purchase your tickets.
Vivat Jesus
Christopher Hubbuch