The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
Worthy Brother Knights!
Man Says, “Show me and I’ll trust you.” God Says, “Trust me and I’ll show you.”
-Psalm 126:6
As August quickly comes to a close, I realize what a wonderful, productive and giving brotherhood we have. The amount of generosity in terms of time and talent and treasure is mind boggling. Since July, we have devoted almost 1,000 hours to help others. We helped reinstall gym bleachers. I have not seen Gym yet but Ann tells me it looks amazing. We had the 17th annual Hammer Open with 47 golfers and a very moving program to say the least. Great weather and great volunteers. Thanks to all who helped out and a big shout out to Tom Walker for chairing this wonderful event. We had very successful Founder’s Days. We had people 30 feet deep for several hours. The volunteers lead by Ken Prigge did an awesome job. We had an altar server party and Rene Mendez and John Wolak and crew did an amazing job. We had a first degree as well. I attended this first degree and highly encourage anyone that has not been to one in a while to come watch our degree team in action. They rock. Chris Burns cleaned up and straightened out McGivney – Thanks Chris for your help! Also behind the scenes many, many hours were spent on leading our council in the right direction. I know that our Past Grand Knights are always there when we need them and they take great pride in what our council has become. If I had to describe August 2016, I would call it a month of action for our Council. Now we must continue our focus on action!
I am very excited to discuss and hopefully pass a budget to begin the second stage of renovations of McDonnell Hall. We have tentatively reserved the hall on September 30th and October 1st to demo and reconstruct ceiling and the first kitchen improvements. I hope we pass this motion. I met with Father Piotr and he told me that he is happy we are moving forward. Should motion pass, we need volunteers. We will start Friday evening and work all day on Saturday. Ken Prigge will oversee the kitchen and Chris Hubbuch will oversee Ceiling.
We are having our third annual Softball outing on September 10th . We are hoping to expand this year to more than two teams. We can use all the “ringers” we can get. We will be serving up great food and drinks and the proceeds will go to the fire fighters’ charity of choice. Let’s give Mark Ostrowski and team all the support he needs please.
Our Magnet program has gotten off to an amazing start this year thanks to the efforts of many Knights. Our new Co-Chairs came up with a wonderful way for us to evangelize through a campus outreach program. Through our youth attending campuses that have a Newman Center or Catholic Center we are donating a case of magnets for their fundraising efforts. The Magnet committee is doing this at 6 campuses. I am very proud of our Magnet Committee for putting this program together.
One last thing…. Our ID Drive is coming up. John Frazier our Chair is still looking for volunteers… Just saying.
We have an amazing Council and I know that I am missing activities and individuals that I should be acknowledging. This is actually a good problem for us to have. Not my lapse of memory but the fact that we have so many great things going on its hard to keep track of all of them. I am very proud of every one of you.
Vivat Jesus,