KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
I reported to you last month that the diocese has mandated that we do not hold food events like the tailgate parties that we had been doing. Father Peter called them to confirm the specifics and unfortunately that is the case. So, we are stuck not doing that type of event for the near future. While this is disappointing, please remember that doing food events doesn’t define who we are as Knights and we can continue on without them for the time being. There are plenty of things for us to do as Knights to spread the word of the Lord and to help those who need help. This pandemic will eventually end but and things will get back to “normal” but until it does, there are still plenty of things for us to do.
We have the ID drive coming up the weekend of September 11-13 and the Hammer Open will be Sunday, September 13th. Christmas Tree Lot planning meetings will begin this month. In the McGivney building, we plan to do further cleanup / optimization. We are going to reconfigure some of the storage shelves, toss some old materials no longer needed, and sell some items that aren’t being used anymore. I’m targeting Saturday, September 19th for this. I’ll share more on this as we get closer to the date.
We will also be doing an Adopt a Highway cleanup on a Saturday, September 19. We are looking at doing a new project replacing the cabinets and countertop behind where we do food lines in McDonnell Hall. Ken Prigge and Greg Freund are scoping this out and will be asking for help when we start the physical work on it. The new magnet website (http://kcchristianshop.com/) is up and running and the team is looking at different ways to advertise. Ken and Ed Henning are working on how to expand our product line of things that we make on the CNC machine. You’ll hear more about this soon from them.
These aren’t Knights events but many Knights participate in them:
That Man is You is starting again on Saturday, September 19th at 6am: https://saintmargaretmary.org/this-man-is-you-post/
The St. Vincent de Paul Walk for the Poor will be held on Saturday, September 26th. https://saintmargaretmary.org/friends-poor-walk/
For the September general meeting, we will continue with meeting in person and also streaming the meeting online to allow those who can’t make it in person to attend. Our next degree had to be pushed out to October. We are going to have it on Saturday, October 10th at 4:00pm in McDonnell Hall. Think about asking that Catholic gentleman who you’ve been thinking would be a good Knight.
We are always looking for new ways of fundraising. If you have an idea on what we can do, please do share it with me and we can discuss it with the council. If you have an idea but don’t want to become the chairman of the event, don’t let that hold you back from sharing your idea.
Lastly, our fellow Knight Father Witold is going to be taking over for Father Peter as our pastor after a transition period. We welcome Father Witold into this new role and will start working with him more closely on the needs of the parish. Father Peter will continue as our Chaplain and still be a part of the parish.
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Frendreiss
GK Council 11091