KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights!
I’m reminded of an old, Irish, Clancy Brothers song where an Irishman, a bit maudlin and a bit in his cups, has a vision of his own funeral. “Look at the coffin / With Golden handles! / Isn’t it
grand, boys / To be bloody well dead?“ After living a long hard life, probably without the recognition or laurels he felt he truly deserved, he imagines his final reward and exhorts his mourners: “Let’s not have a sniffle / Let’s have a bloody good cry! / And always remember the longer yah live / The sooner yah bloody well die…” Roared out, with tongue firmly in cheek, a pint firmly in hand, it’s meant to bring a smile. But it does come to us all, it’s something we all share. We face the prospect with trepidation, some regrets for things not accomplished, anticipation for union with the Lord and eternity in His presence.
But it is a mysterious event, stepping across that threshold. And a painful one for those friends and loved ones left behind who will miss the touch, the smile, the sound of that voice…
In large part, it was for those left behind that Father McGivney formed the Knights – to take care of those left behind. As Catholics, we respect all Life as a sacred gift from the Lord. And we respect what we shared with our Brother Knights, and those they left behind. And we remain to honor and care for the families of our Brothers. Each year we set aside a just few hours of a single day, to honor the memories of our friends and Brothers and show our respect for their lives, lived. This year we will gather as Brothers on November 3rd at the 4:30 Mass at St Margaret Mary Church, and after Mass concludes, share in a simple but moving ceremony to remember the departed Brothers. Afterwards we’ll gather to share some food, memories, and
camaraderie with their widows and families.
Please put the date on your calendars. And plan to join us and help us fill the church with Knights. It’s important to show our mutual support and respect. And to remember man that you are dust…
September – was another busy Month. Our “Tootsie Roll” Drive for God’s Children with Intellectual Disabilities was another chance to show Knights’ good works to the Public. Also, the Parish Oktoberfest put us out front as we fed the soggy revelers. And we led our hard-working Alter Servers on a unique field trip to explore the legend of the Iron Horse at the largest railway museum in the US in Union, IL.
October – more opportunities to serve! On Friday and Saturday, 10/4 and 10/5, we have an opportunity to repair the Pre-School play area at the School. On the 11th we can show our support for our Priests and Deacons at the Clergy Appreciation Dinner. And on the 13th we will celebrate our own Chaplain and Pastor Father Sarnicki’s 25th anniversary in the Priesthood at the 11:00 Mass. Thursday the 17th we’ll host a 1st Degree Ceremony to welcome Catholic Gentlemen to our Brotherhood. And on the 19th there will be a major degree in Aurora for those 1st Degree Knights to
commit further into the Order. On the 20th is another Blood Drive, and the 23rd is an opportunity to Feed My Starving Children.
So many opportunities to share and celebrate the Lord’s Blessings! Mark up your calendars! Celebrate Life!
Vivat Jesus!
Chris Burns