KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights – As James wrote when speaking of acts in his letter to the Christian community: What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? If James had been able to see our council in action during the month of September, he would have been proud. As Knights, we demonstrate our faith in our works, so that our wives, children, extended family, parish, and community can all see.
The Intellectual Disabilities or “Tootsie Roll” Fund Drive is one of the most recognizable activities for the Knights of Columbus. Unfortunately, Corporate America has made it increasingly difficult to petition for space in front of the large chain stores, but thankfully Dunkin Donuts (east & west sides) and Einstein Bagels still have community spirit. These were the only locations that gave us permission to solicit donations this year. Please remember these vendors when you have a choice in your morning on-the-go coffee. We filled 19 slots in the volunteer schedule, but that still left 35 times open with no one to “shake their can”. Thank you to John Frazier for chairing this event, and to the 15 brother Knights that volunteered a couple of hours for this very worthy cause.
From the old is new department, the SMM school Oktoberfest was resurrected this year after a long layoff. At the two day, dual-themed event, our council was given the honor of being the only food vendor, guaranteeing a steady stream of hungry fair goers to feed. Chaired by our Kaiser in training, Chris Hubbuch did a yeoman’s job on running the event. Danke Chris.
I am glad to report that we welcomed six new Sir Knights from our council to our Assembly this month. Please congratulate Marv Basch, Chris Burns, Dave Campbell, Sergio Contreras, Mike Kouvelis, and Tom Madden on completing their Fourth degree Exemplification.
Our two Scholarship Essay winners were announced during the month of September. Thanks to all the participants that submitted an essay, and congratulations to Maggie Dobek and Caitlyn Zdany, winners of $1,000 each to be applied to college expenses.
Our parish truly is blessed in the number of permanent Deacons serving our parish, and our own Past Grand Knight, SK Robert Armstrong, was added to those ranks when he celebrated the Rite of Ordination to the Diaconate. Congratulations and blessings from everyone in our council to you Deacon Bob. Thank you to Andre Manaois and Rick Orabutt for arranging the dinner that was open to all parishioners in celebration after Bob’s first mass as Deacon. Our own Rockford Diocese Chapter held their annual Roundtable dinner this month in Rockford. Thank you to those who attended this event.
Looking forward to the month of October, we have several events for our council. We will provide volunteers to pack food for Feed My Starving Children, please contact John Barrett if you are interested. We are scheduled to hold another Blood Drive, and a number of us will attend the Clergy Appreciation Dinner.
I encourage you to attend the monthly council meeting. This month we will had details about our renewed membership efforts, including retaining existing members and rejuvenating those who have been away, by holding a (New) Member Social. You can help with the plans that our Membership Director Rick Limbach is putting together.
Thanks to all of our Knights and their families for the acts that they perform in the name of our Catholic faith.
Vivat Jesus! Dan Kotleba, Grand Knight