The Knightly News – Council 11091
From the Grand Knight’s Desk
My Worthy Brother Knights!
As I enter into the final month of my term as your Grand Knight, I have much to reflect on. The year has gone by quickly, yet there were times I thought I wouldn’t get through it. In any leadership position there are always challenges and successes. With such a strong council of quality members, there is always someone to help carry the load and everything works out in the end. It will soon be time to turn the mantle over to a new slate of officers. Please come to the meeting to participate in the election.
Father’s day is June 19th. As part of the “Building the Domestic Church” initiative we will be sponsoring a special mass at 9:00 so that all married couples in the parish can renew their wedding vows. The Knights of Columbus has always been dedicated to the well-being and support of Catholic family life. The family is the first and primary place where we experience and are formed in our Catholic faith. By building upon our current programs and activities, the Knights of Columbus continues to promote the family as a “domestic church” where husbands and wives, parents and children, grow in their knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith. In order to perform its important mission of evangelization, each family needs to find support in the sacramental life of the parish. Please try to attend this mass and encourage any other married couples that you know.
One of the reasons Father McGivney established the Knights of Columbus was to unite Catholic men by charity and unity in order to provide financial assistance to families who had befallen a tragedy. This program evolved into a top-rated insurance program, including life insurance, retirement annuities, long-term care insurance, and disability income insurance. If our field agent, Chris Hamelly, contacts you, please be open to talking to him about your insurance needs.
We have a couple of other important events in June as well. On the 18th, we will have our council’s officer installation ceremony at noon in McDonnell Hall. All newly elected officers should make their best effort to participate. Please bring your families as this is not a secret ceremony. I also encourage other members of the council to attend and observe. Perhaps someday soon you will be elected or appointed to a leadership position in the council. This is your opportunity to hear the charges to each officer so that you can better understand the role of each position. Following the ceremony we will have our council family picnic with plenty of food, beverages, games and fellowship.
Another ceremony takes place June 28th, also in McDonnell Hall. Bishop Arthur J. O’Neill Assembly #2381 will have its officer installation ceremony. Our very own SK Mark Halper, currently the Faithful Captain, will be installed as Faithful Navigator. All Fourth Degree Knights are invited to attend.
On June 16th we will have a 1st degree exemplification at 8:00. Please invite a Catholic gentleman to join our order.
Also in June, the State Kamporee is the weekend of June 10-12, and there will be an outing to Feed My Starving Children on June 22nd. This is a family event so bring the kids. If you know any graduating high school seniors who are members of our parish and will be attending college in the fall, ask them to submit an entry in our scholarship essay contest for a chance at a $1,000 award. Details are in the newsletter.
May God bless you and your families. See you on Thursday!
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Perna, Grand Knight