KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
Brother Knights!
Summer has arrived, and with it, my last post as the Grand Knight. Although the last few months have been fraught with many unique challenges, and some setbacks, it’s been an honor to lead this council The Knights are one of the things in my life about which I can truly say “that was time well-spent.”
In this year ahead we will all have opportunities to contribute more to our parish and community. We’ll be tapping our members for new ideas, and new ways to reach out to the community. It’s time for all Brothers to step up and be recognized. We need new ideas, and new Knights. We have a great and energetic new Grand Knight in Dave, and our officers are all going to be focused on making the Knights even more visible as Catholic leaders in the community.
Thank you for your support during this past year. We can achieve even more this year with your high level of participation, and ever more positive proclamation that the Knights are a force to be reckoned with in the Lords plan here on earth.
Vivat Jesus!
I really appreciate the PGK’s nominating me for the chairs a few years ago and the vote of confidence from the council by electing me to do this job. When I joined the Knights years ago, I was instantly impressed by the quality Catholic gentlemen that were part of the council. At my first event, I saw a Knight show up in a shirt and tie. He rolled up his sleeves and went right into washing dishes. Why would he do that? Because there were dishes to be done and he was available to do them. Then I was introduced to Tom McCabe, our founder and first Grand Knight, who was taking out the garbage because that needed to be done. I found out quickly that these guys were men of action and it was so refreshing to see.
Over my years with the Knights, I have made some great friends and been continually impressed by other Knights all of the time. I really wish that I had done this sooner. I’m always trying to figure out how to share our experiences with potential Knights. If we could just get them involved, the rest would take care of itself. I’m blessed to be part of this council and to call you guys my brothers.
With the slate of officers that you have elected with me, with a wonderful group of PGK’s, and most importantly, the exceptional Knights that we have in this council, I feel very confident that we will have a great year. I have no fear that a pandemic will prevent us from doing what we do. I just see that it will change how we will go about it. We have already adapted. Fish fries, breakfasts, Founders Day, and other events have been cancelled but our council has responded big time with a great tailgate party in June where we sold out. If you missed it, you are lucky that we’ll be doing another one the last weekend in July and we’ll have even more food then – details TBD. We do another one in August as well. If you have other ideas for event, let me know. We need to start planning for the fall and winter.
I’d like to especially thank Chris Burns for his service to the council this past year. He is a workhorse for the council and we are lucky to have him.
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Frendreiss
GK Council 11091