KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights!
The Good Thief hung on the cross next to Christ and pled: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Jesus replied “Today you will be with me in Heaven.”
I’ll bet there were lots of thieves in Jesus’ time. The Bible tells many stories about thieves, tax collectors and sinners. Many of them were told, when they came to Jesus, that their faith has saved them. But this guy… would you say he waited until the last minute?
We don’t know what he did, but since he admitted that he was justly convicted, and ruefully admitted that being sentenced to a horrible, drawn-out death on the cross wasn’t entirely out of line, he must have led a pretty sinful life. Of all the many thieves of the time, how many happened to have Christ crucified next to him? How many got that chance of a last second reprieve? Perhaps he should not be known as “The Good Thief,” but, even more so, “The Lucky Thief.” Procrastinators – like me – say, “There’s plenty of time. I’ll do it tomorrow.” How many tomorrows do we have? When have we done enough? How much longer do we have to earn our way into Heaven? What are the odds that when our time comes we’ll get the chance to say — with our next-to-last breath — “Hey, can you put me over there next to that guy on the cross? I’ve got a favor to ask him.”
When are you going to get just a little more active and closer to Him?
As less-than-perfect men, we became Knights for many reasons, but mainly to do God’s work while we are here on earth. To help others in need. To draw a little closer to Him. Maybe to earn His smile when our names are read from the Book.
We recently got to host about 30 Navy recruits for one of our favorite events – Adopt-A-Sailor. Young men and women from around the country all go through “boot camp” at Great Lakes Naval Station for nine weeks. We provided a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal in a home-like environment, and a chance to talk to their families for the first time in many weeks through the loan of our phones and laptops as they go through this transformative time in their young lives. That required a lot of love and time from a lot of our Knights and their families.
We had more than 20 Knights, and their friends and families, construct our Christmas tree lot and then unload and display more than 300 trees and wreaths to provide to our friends and neighbors this Holy season. We also need more volunteers to man the tree lot for the next few weeks until Christmas.
We lead Rosary prayers after 7:00 a.m. Mass. We participate in Eucharistic Adorations. We’ll provide a Breakfast with Santa for families of the parish. We support young men and women in their Holy Vocations, and St. Vincent DePaul, the local Food Pantry, people with Intellectual Disabilities, and so much more! We have so many opportunities for Knights to do good works. We need more Knights to actively participate.
And, if you have a friend who wants to get closer to Heaven, he can become A Knight Before Christmas!
Don’t wait until the last minute, and don’t hang your hopes for Eternity on “Luck.”
Vivat Jesus!
Chris Burns