KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
2020-03 Knightly News (1) From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Brother Knights!
Meteorological March certainly seems to be coming in as a Lamb, but for the Knights, it holds its Leonine character. There’s lots going on.
On March 1st, our Degree Team hosted the new combined 1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree ceremony for the first time, and did a heck-of-a job! We welcomed 12 new Knights to the 3rd degree of the councils in the area. You may be interested to note that the combined degree ceremony now invites families and friends to witness Knights’ commitment to the order. The “Secrecy” pledge is a thing of the past, so you can finally tell your wives and families tales of the majesty of our old ceremonials that they’ve
been dying to know…
Now firmly into Lent, the parish has many events and activities for us to prepare ourselves for the Holy season of Easter with Stations of the Cross, Vocations Prayer Hours, our Marian Consecration, That Man Is You, Bible study, and more.
The Knights have two Fish Frys in March, and the Shamrock Shave. Keep your eyes on the calendar! And, we have one hour less this month to do it all in! Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead on Saturday night the 7th, or you’ll be late for the Blood Drive on the 8th!
Our Fish Fry is an event to behold! We get better every year. We proudly strive to put on one of the best Fish Fry’s around with lots of dining options and time to meet and greet, and we fill the place. As you can imagine, it requires many volunteers to work the event, including set up and clean up. Lots of work has gone on already, but there’s lots more to be done. If you’d like to come and enjoy dinner with family and friends, and then just stick around for the cleanup, that’s the best of both worlds! If you’d just like to show up, we’ll find something you can do to make this a great event – most of it is feet and hands.
At the end of the month, we host that Happy Hare and have Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on 3-29. This is another chance for you to help your brother Knights spread joy and maple syrup with our fellow parishioners. Again, much work has already been done, and we need hands and feet to serve all those little bunnies.
Looking ahead, please put April 18th on your calendars for the 27th Anniversary Dinner. It’s an excellent opportunity for Knights to take their ladies out in their finery – for good fellowship and a look back on the year of Council 11091! Be on the lookout for an Evite in the near future.
And bring some cash to the Meeting Thursday night 3/5/20 so you can get in on Hoops Mania!
Vivat Jesus!
Chris Burns