KOFC – Council 11091 Newsletter
From the Grand Knight’s Desk:
Welcome to summer and my last article as Grand Knight. As you know, the month of July brings changes to our lineup of council officers. It has truly been an honor to lead this council as Grand Knight for the past year. I salute you all for your dedication to our principals of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Going forward, we need to increase communication of our good works within the parish in order to entice other catholic men to join us. Extend the invitation whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.
Thank you for your support over the past 12 months. I ask that you continue with a high level of event participation as Chris takes over the reins of the council for the next year. We are in very good hands with the next alignment of officers.
Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Safe travels to all throughout the summer.
Vivat Jesus!
Dan Kotleba
Brother Knights!
Thank you for taking a chance on me as your new Grand Knight! When I joined the Brotherhood several years ago, I fell for Tom McCabe’s “you can do as little or as
much as you like” line. Look what’s happened! I found new directions, new friends, new causes. I’ve found new and worthy ways and reasons to spend my time. The Knights are one of the things in my life about which I can truly say “that was time well-spent.”
In this year ahead we will all have opportunities to contribute more to our parish and community. Beginning, of course with our whirlwind of Founders Days in July, and continuing with all of the little things we do and participate in like: Adopt-a-Highway, Feed My Starving Children, the Hammer Open golf outing, the “Tootsie Roll” ID Drive, and Adopt a Sailor. All of these things require a lot of giving of our time and talents. But in all that giving, we receive so much more ourselves from the fraternity and fellowship.
I look forward to growing that giving in our council, as we reach out to our brother Knights and encourage them to be more fully involved and to encourage other Catholic Gentlemen to join us in fellowship and service. I invite all of you busy men to take up participation in just one more of our many activities. And I ask that you invite another Catholic Gentleman to join us in the activity – they don’t have to be a Knight to spend a couple of hours with us at the Tree Lot, or maybe help making the nativity sets on Tuesday nights, or setting them up around town during the season. I hope they’ll learn what it means to be a Knight, and they’ll be inspired to join us. But if not, it will certainly be time well-spent.
Vivat Jesus!
Chris Burns